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Describing child exploitation material as child pornography risks legitimising a serious criminal offence. Child crying image from 27 fevereiro 2013 It is Hamiş child pornography. It is a crime scene photo

Fresh from its success calling on search engines to block access to child porn, the UK government is turning its attention to terrorism. Ministers are poised to call on genel ağ service providers to block…

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Sexual enhancement drugs are some of the most common counterfeit drugs in the world. And with erectile dysfunction treated like a pop culture reference instead of a real medical condition—which it is—it’s understandable that men would look for alternative outlets for obtaining medication. And they’re finding them, but at a dangerous cost.

Raynaud's is a condition in which blood vessels - particularly those in the fingers and toes - narrow suddenly in response to cold or emotional stress. This can affect finger and toe sensation and color and cause excruciating pain. Raynaud's is more common in women and in cold climates.

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